Monday, February 21, 2011

Improve your warehouse operation via Warehouse Inventory Software

Have you ever think to improve your warehouse's operation? Prior to identify and develop a viable plan for improvement, you may conduct warehouse’s operation audit regularly which enables you to measure your warehouse productivity with several key performance indicators : -

a. Number of orders processed per warehouse operator

b. Receiving and put-away turnaround times

c. Items picking turnaround times

d. Order processing turnaround times

Once you gather the data and make comparisons before and after, you will be able to develop an action plan for improvement.

There are several tips to be included into your audits.

Tip #1 Warehouse layout and planning

Warehouse layout has a significant effect on put-away and picking processes. If the warehouse is not properly laid out, considerable amount of efforts such as searching, walking and traveling may be required to go from one item to the next.

Traveling time is dependent upon distance. One way to reduce distance is to locate the fast moving items near the frequent accessing point. If we follow Pareto's Law or the 80-20 rule, then we can put 20% of the items close to the frequent access point, they may account for 80% of picking.

80-20 rule are designed and embedded in Chronos eStockCard which helps warehouse operator to identify the frequency of moving (picking) for every item after a period of time. This will help user to assign the fast moving items to frequent access point to improve productivity by cutting picking time.

Free version of eStockCard, one of the powerful warehouse inventory software, can be downloaded from for trial.

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